Sunday, March 15, 2009

The Saralogic! method of bracketology...

Today is a much anticipated day in the world of college is the great Selection Sunday! I, like many others across the U.S., will be filling out my bracket(s) within the next 24 hours or so, though my methods of choosing are quite different than most...

I thought I would take a few moments to school you in the Saralogic! method of bracketology. I do not guaruntee that this method will work for you, but I can tell you that it has/will work for me. Here is how it's done, kids...

1. Think mascots, not rankings.

With the Saralogic! method of bracketology, one must not focus on the rankings of the selected teams. Instead, one must think of it this way, if the mascots from each of the dualing teams had to fight to the death, which mascot would survive? For example, if I have to choose between the Memphis Tigers and the Texas Longhorns, my money's without a doubt on the Tigers. I mean seriously, in a fight to the death, which one would come out alive, an oversized cow or a ferocious tiger? Of course you cannot pick an entire bracket with this method alone, as there are instances where you may not know which mascot would be victorious (ex. Memphis Tigers and UCLA Bruins aka. Bears...I do not feel comfortable making a choice between a tiger and a bear, so this is where the other aspects of the Saralogic! method of bracketology come into play.)

2. Find your secret weapon.

Once you have completed the mascot match-up to the best of your ability, you must now bring in the magic weapon. I cannot tell you who or what your magic weapon will be, you must follow your heart to find it. Personally, I have a father who has a wealth of knowledge on all things related to sports (and pretty much everything else, for that matter). I consider him the secret weapon behind the Saralogic method of bracketology. When I have hit a wall in my picks, I simply pick up the phone and give him a ring to get his advice on who I should choose. Works every time.

I will post my picks as soon as I have completed my bracket, and we will see if the Saralogic! method of bracketology works this year!


  1. Sara,
    I often find myself picking a team based on the colors of it's uniform. I never think a team with yellow, silver, or gold are going to do very well. (Except, I guess the Steelers did win the super bowl this year...but we're talking basketball here, not football.) Go with bold and fresh, not dull and boring, and you're sure to succeed...hopefully.

  2. I will be filling out a bracket utilizing the science of Saralogic! I giggled a lot as I read this.
